Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Big girl room redo! ~ June 19th, 2013

Our child is irritated with me. I'm still in my pj's; however, she is in love with her room being rearranged. She had some feedback about how I arranged her socks and we compromised. She agreed to stop throwing them and I agreed to not strangle her.
The rest of it was passable to her taste. The big excitement was finding her DOG book in the room. The book she's owned for 3 months now and has seen countless times...yeah, that one.

The photo ready version / cleanest it will be for a long while...




Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our little Rainman ~ June 18th, 2013

Nora devoted half an hour yesterday to cleaning up the toy aisle at the store. Freddy's, you're welcome.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Nothing is open at 7am

The only places open that can even mildly entertain a 2 year old at 7am (or worse 5am) are grocery stores and coffee shops. Grocery stores are the safest bet since they're accustomed to screaming children. Morning commuters and cubicle drones do not look fondly on someone else's child disrupting their intake of caffeine.

So like a lot of mornings, I found myself trying to get you to wait for me to wake up and clean myself for the day because you were fully dressed and waiting with shoes and hat by the door. You tried to help me get ready by randomly bringing me my own possessions. Apparently all I really need to be able to leave the house is a bra, a sweater, and my would make for an interesting look.

Off we went to the grocery store, me and my extra active 2 year old with the hopes of procuring a few items we needed and doing so before you melted down in an emotional shit-storm of screaming and crying known as a "temper tantrum". Or, as I like to refer to it as, "mommy's own slice of anxiety inducing hell" or as the rest of the population sometimes calls it "a reason to drink".

As we entered the store you started dancing to the U2 song playing overhead and began gesturing with your hat and a produce bag. I asked you, "Are we a little crazy?" You looked at me sideways and smiled, "Maybe."

No sleep make parents something, something...

If you were completely proficient in reading and writing I would be tempted to draft the following letter to you:

Dearest Daughter,
Please sleep through the night. Whatever monster or horror you think awaits you in the dark, it's not real! You are two now and your form of disruptive sleep is torturing your mother and father. Please stop or your college fund will be used for travel that will not include you; because, and I will repeat if necessary, you will not be living in the basement beyond college.


You are not to make any noise (unless it truly is an emergency) between the hours of 8pm and 7am. This is true for the rest of your childhood. Thank you