Betsy and Colby graciously gave us the matching bed to Nora's so we can use them as bunk beds down the road. Not only that, they gave us matching twin bedsets that Nora was so excited to see unveiled that she gasped, "Oh, I like!" when she spotted them.
It's hard to believe that we'll be having a second child shortly when we're still shocked that we were able to have Nora. Seeing the room come together made it that much more real that this is imminent.
Jamie and I stood in wonder staring at the room once we had finished with so many reflections on what the tableau brought to mind; having the beds from his childhood, the idea of our old bedroom housing not one but TWO of our kids, and the idea that we're parents after so many obstacles and all of it happened in its own time as a surprise each time. Life is so strange and wonderful.
Let's hope little guy is happy with having the bed by the window someday because Nora wasn't giving up her bed for nothin'! For now my bear is his marker. |
She loves her lamp (the first item we ever purchased for her) and these are her two favorite bedtime books...hmm, I don't see an "I Love You, Mommy" book in there. Traitor. |
We lined up Nora's favorite "cuddies" and noticed something that cracked us up. None of them smile. They all look as nervous as the two of us at the idea of a new baby. |
Ha! Sullen stuffed animals!