Every time I sit down I get buried in Nora and cats. They sense that their competition is near and want to remind me that they need love. I'm a slow moving target and I just hope for being able to breathe and that they don't steal my food.
At least I've figured out a use for our fat cats. They're willing to put up with anything as long as I let them sit on my rapidly disappearing lap. Peter even puts up with little guy kicking him in the ass and me balancing my tablet on him. Seriously, he doesn't budge. Only problem is my bladder gets a wallop in the process. Sorry, Petie, gotta get up...again. I'm so tired of peeing.
Jamie gets to enjoy the lap treatment as well from Simone but that isn't necessarily a new development as much as an expansion on her repertoire...and ass.
Nora wraps herself around me and squeezes tightly while giggling, hugs my bump, talks to 'brudda through my belly button, and leans on me to feel him kick. We had to teach her to not climb me or pull on me to be lifted so she now asks me to come sit or take my hand so she can lead me to her desired play spot. That includes leading me to a chair or couch so she can climb up and wrap herself around me. I love her snuggles and we talk about what a good sister she's going to be and how much I need her help. She's shown signs of being more responsible and willingly does more chores lately. Picking up her dishes, pushing in chairs, helping put laundry away, picking up her room, and
She even pretends that she's pregnant and puts her Polly under her shirt and smooths her shirt over the bump. She practices dressing her dolls in her brother's clothes and even puts them BACK when she's done. We get shooshed when she's practicing bedtime for 'brudda as well.

Bedtime for Polly video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/loq0a2sm3l08mfs/2013-12-18%2018.51.30.mp4
Nora's newest favorite bedtime story is Gossie and what high praise it was that she read her book to Polly to help put her to sleep. I'm thankful that our daughter is reading, that she goes to bed with little trouble now, and that I bought extra Polly dolls so we always have a backup (sssh, Mama's secret).
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