11:34pm; February 2nd, 2014,
Owen Atticus Kelso was born via unscheduled c-section after 25 hours of labor. 8lbs,2oz; 20.75" length; 9 Apgar
We were heartbroken that I had to get a caesarian section Besides my gestational diabetes, I developed preeclampsia in the last few days leading up to delivery unbeknownst to me or my OB. It came on so quickly just like the rest of the realities of the day. The quick, easy second birth promised to me was not going to happen. Nora's birth was the easy one after all.
The umbilical cord was wrapped around him 3 times and had knots in it as well. I labored to 8cm, with back labor, and he wouldn't descend. His bp dropped and he went in to distress. He wasn't getting enough nutrients through his cord.
Shooken up but confident that it was the only option we had, I tried to keep it together even as thoughts of losing my family whirled through my head. A torrent of relief overwhelmed me during the surgery when Jamie exclaimed in relief to me, as he had the vantage point of looking over the screen, that Owen was ok and that we had gotten him out just in time.
I heard his cries, waited to see him and know for certain he was ok
Those really are great pictures and a nice way to use a blog. Something positive. Now that you have a girl and a boy, are you done? Seems the perfect symmetry, elder girl and baby brother.