Yesterday I asked Nora to check on Owen while I was cooking dinner. He was in his bouncer but had started to fuss and my hands were full. She didn't respond but everything had gone quiet. I came rushing out from the kitchen to find her stroking his head and singing to him in a whisper the Daniel Tiger song "Grown Ups Come Back".
Today was uncomfortably hot and the baby started to get sweaty and irritable so we did naked baby time. He was all smiles and baby rolls, laughing and cooing, grabbing and pulling at toys. We stood him up on her lap and she enveloped him in a hug saying, "I love you, baby."
She has so much love and tenderness for him yet so much jealousy. It's a year of extremes so far and her world is full of them. One moment she's shrieking in anger to get attention and wake him and the next she's consoling him while standing on her special stool she brings over to the changing table to help with him. I wish I could make it easier for her, I wish I had the energy to keep up with our old activities for her sake, but I mostly just wish she would go to sleep without a battle because we're exhausted.
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