Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nora's favorite part of the baby shower ~ November 2, 2013

Jamie and Nora hung out in the basement during the shower and everyone kept commenting how they didn't make a peep. I found out later that they went to Hot Lips Pizza and took a walk. Even so, she did fabulous! We were suppose to have everything set up for the shower before they left but it ended up that we were putting things together as she was leaving so she melted down in tears and didn't want to leave.
She knew she was missing out on something and boo-hooed the whole way down to the basement. It broke my heart. But I also know how hard it is to have toddlers running around during a party meant for adults with alcohol being served, disastrous! Plus our living room was packed as it was so I know she had more fun with dad then having to sit still and be silent. Not something I ever expect from her even at her best moments. She's a two year old child not a stuffed animal.
Once we were cleaning up and all the baby items were stowed away we let her in to examine the remains of the party. Her favorite? The balloons. We've had to reinflate them more than once for her. Luckily her daddy has plenty of hot air...and dada can blow up balloons. Mama can't blow up balloons along with being unable to do cartwheels, whistle between my fingers, speak a foreign language, do the tree position in yoga, or cross my eyes. (I know, all the things you didn't need to know about me.)
She likes to tangle them around herself and have them follow her pretending that they're puppies or friends or friend puppies. The first time she discovered them deflated she gasped, "Oh nooo! My friends!" I understand, I feel that way now every time I look down at myself naked.


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