What a wonderful weekend! It started with Grandma coming to visit. Nora was over the moon and begging her to do flashcards with her before the poor woman could sit down. She ended up watching Nora for a couple hours that evening so Jamie and I could go out. What did we do with our time? We went Christmas shopping for Nora of course and ran errands. When I mentioned my intentions for outing to Jamie in the car he just laughed and said it was ok. I informed him, "That's what you get when you go out with a pregnant lady. This is our hot Friday night date."
Jamie and I were both perplexed with why the one on the right cost more and needed to be pink until we saw the Disney symbol. Then it all made sense.
The next day was a trip down to see my brother, Jim, and his new place in Oregon City and visit his family including their baby, Phoebe. We reminded Nora to be gentle and careful with touching Phoebe's face and hands. It took her awhile to warm up to the situation and visit with everyone but once she did she was fascinated with Phoebe and her mom, Maria. She asked questions later about nursing and how did the baby get out...hadn't anticipated that one.

We were all exhausted by the time Nora melted down pre-nap. Too much excitement, one too many unaccustomed treats (donuts and jelly covered biscuits), and a change of scenery somehow caused an eruptive tantrum. Jamie had to wrestle her into the car and within a few minutes she was fast asleep in her car seat with a sippy of milk and her Polly doll wedged in front of her. The car ride back was relaxingly quiet and allowed us a chance to talk uncensored. A rare thing around a toddler.
Once we were home, we were actually able to transfer her to bed and I managed to get in a nap beside her for an hour or so. I didn't feel like cooking and Jamie thought it would be fun to see the new Despicable Me so we all walked down to Kennedy School for pizza and a movie. Nora was ecstatic and sat riveted in her seat throughout the movie. The purple minions scared her a little but she was a trooper. Ate a whole slice of pizza, ate half a bag of popcorn, and behaved beautifully. She liked the movie. The walk back was close to her bedtime and dada took mercy on her and carried her home. She was limp against him the whole way and then perked up once we were home and wanted to watch Bob's Burgers with him. We got her to bed and she was out within seconds without a book or soothing. We even heard her talking in her sleep about babies and "purples".
The next day my friend, Angie, came over with her daughter, Maddie, for a playdate where the girls spent the first hour or more ignoring each other and acting as if they never met. Then I made popcorn and offered to put on Monsters University for them and they were fast friends once again. Mimicking each other, chasing each other, and completely ignoring the movie. Kids are weird.
They also took great enjoyment in the idea of Jamie being up on the roof cleaning the gutters. This cracked them up and us as well as we watched piles of debris cascade past the windows to the yard and sidewalk below. It was reminiscent of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation to Angie and I which cracked us up as I pointed out that Jamie was up there prepping for Christmas lights.
All was well until it was lunchtime and the playdate had to end. Then Nora launched into one of her Oscar-worthy performances of devastation. It was less Meryl Streep from Sophie's Choice and more Sally Fields from Steel Magnolias this time. She's switching things up on me.
It was nap time as soon as the playdate was over and Nora was watching me change into my slubby clothes for our nap. I turned to her and said, "Are you watching me?" She took her Polly doll and shoved it under her shirt and smiled as she smoothed her hand over her bump. We both started laughing and I asked, "Is that what mama looks like?" Nora just giggled and ran to jump on the bed. We snuggled and read books about babies until she fell asleep to us singing together.
It was a wonderful weekend.
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