Nora became more and more excited once she realized that she was going to be getting the same treatment. Out came the booster seat and the special cape and she was all smiles.
Seeing the clumps of hair fall made her a little hesitant and she held dada's hand and mine at moments throughout to reassure her. She was very patient and brave. Vivian was as well. Great bob for having to cut a moving target at moments and a wonderful attitude besides. We were thrilled all around and it made for a great and affordable outing.
Video links: (copy and paste into your browser)

We promised her a trip to the playground downstairs after her haircut. Jamie is not fond of the play area but Nora (as seen) obviously is a fan. She spent a good deal of time trying to play with the other kids close to her in age but they were busy beating up on each other. She thought they were playing chase with her but it was more like a bunch of preschoolers set on spin cycle and the general agitation just washed out to them circling each other. Either way it wore them all out so it was a win-win.
Side catty note, notice Jamie is the only parent actually interacting with the kids. All the other parents were staring down at their phones or left their kids unattended in the play area! I know, very judgemental of me. I'm not apologizing and, yes, I was using my phone to take pictures and video while I sat on my big pregnant ass.

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