Sesame Street is many a parent's savior and for good reason. Educational, a welcome distraction at moments, and it's an hour long. A whole hour of a mental break as a SAHM is like a welcome cocktail. The only downside, Elmo.
As much as I hate the sound of Elmo's voice on the show, as much as that laugh haunts me on hard days, we are forever thankful because of one thing. Potty training. Somehow her Elmo doll has become her trusted lovey and instilled enough confidence in her that she has now re-embraced using the potty. It makes sense, I feel inclined to use the toilet every time I see or hear that character so I completely understand.
Potty training has been the vain of our existence for months now and many false starts plagued us with guilt and second guessing. We feared we were failing her and struggled to keep our patience with the many regressions and mounting pressure to avoid having to diaper TWO kids soon enough. Our sanity, finances, and the environment were pleading with us to find new ways to convince her. What we underestimated the power of was peer pressure and Elmo. Her friends were dropping like flies in the battle against the toilet. Showing off their fancy underwear and independence. Nora started to show embarrassment around her friends at playdates and would throw temper tantrums when we needed to change her diaper. Her friends started to cheer her on and encourage her to join them on the potty. The gauntlet was thrown.
With many accidents, many bed changes, outfit changes, rug cleanings, gritting of teeth and cheering, the lure of cute underwear, candy in our weak moments, and Elmo tucked under her arm. Nora is using the potty on her own about 80% of the time. HURRRAY!!!

The end...for now.
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