Friday, September 27, 2013

ME DO!!! ~ September 27th, 2013

Nora and her newly acquired baby going for a ride.
Seatbelts for safety.
Our two year old is convinced that she is perfectly capable of managing any task and that we're just in her way. On one hand, I'm very proud that she has such confidence in herself and her abilities...on the other hand I want to rip my hair out, and then her own, when it comes to trying to convince her that certain tasks need to be completed by her mother, such as (but not limited to):

- Putting my bra on.
- Latching her and unlatching her into her carseat.
- Using a knife.
- Operating heavy machinery like a car or a Kitchenaid food processor.
- Wiping myself after using the toilet.
- Herding our chickens back into the coop.
- Pushing a grocery cart full of groceries through a parking lot.
- Navigating the zoo, the mall, elevators, or escalators on her own.

Things she can do on her own that still impress the hell out of us:

- Dress herself; including socks, shoes, and hat...jackets are tough. I agree.
- Climb up to the table, sit in her chair, eat a meal on her own, take her dishes to the counter, and push her chair in...and use a cloth napkin properly.
- Brush her teeth.
- Put herself to sleep.
- Take apart electronic items.
- Operate the remotes, smartphones, and tablets.

Things I look forward to her mastering:  the potty. Everything else is icing on the toddler cake of life.

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